For a while now I have wanted to try a bit of macro photography but shiny new lenses are much too expensive for my current money situation! I heard magnifying filters work as a very cheep alternative so thought I would give them a try. They work the same as magnifying glasses but when screwed onto the end of a lens they shorten the focal length allowing the camera to focus much closer to the object. These are just a few shots I took the night I bought them, just things I had lying about my room but when zoomed in on create some nice images due to the very shallow depth of field and additional detail not usually visible, I was impressed with the performance of them considering how little they cost in comparison to a macro lens.
I found that focusing can prove to be difficult and a tripod is recommended for these kinds of shots because even the smallest camera shake will be exaggerated due to the magnification, but as I was just testing a few shots out quickly I didn't bother. I am looking forward to summer as there is a lot more opportunities for this kind of photography in nature such as plants and insects.
Inverter rings allow you to turn your lenses the other way round ... check them out. MAcro on the cheap mk II.